How to: Resolving 404 or sorry page problem due to Google’s rich media ads ( DARTiframe )

Many people started noticing increased level of Sorry pages on their website in Google Analytics and were left clueless about the issue. It was majorly due to Google’s richmedia ads which placed restriction on websites using IFRAMES .

Pseudo 404 error message was seen as the richmedia advertisment’s javascript was unable to to find Dartiframe file due to the iframe structure of the website. Which were also counted as Error page or Sorry page in Analytics .

Websites with iframes and using Google adsense are required to download DARTiframe.html  and put it in a folder named doubleclick , doubleclick folder should reside in root location of the website.

Also Read : https://support.google.com/richmedia/answer/156583

Also Read : https://support.google.com/richmedia/answer/156584

  • Tags: 404, 404 in analytics, DARTiframe, DARTiframe.html, sorry page in analytics,